Non-technical event to create an innovative model from the scratch.
Entry fees: Rs 210/-
Group Size: Max 3/team
Date: 21/03/2019 Time: 10:00AM – 12:30PM
Materials should be brought and it must be a waste.
Participants must bring the following materials only (Any kind of waste paper like newspaper,chocolate cover etc,Plastic items,Waste cloths,CD disc,Waste bottles and caps,Ice-cream sticks and cups,Sharpener waste,etc.)
Any other waste materials would be entertained only if coordinators considered it as a waste.
Participants can build any kind of creative model using waste materials.
Stationary materials to build the creative model will be provided by coordinators. ( Glue, Scissors if necessary)
Best creative model according to the jury will be awarded.
​For more information contact :
Ms. Bindushree H S : +91 9739093064
Ms. Nayvakanth C : +91 8867380160