Fastrack is a game show where contestants take part in a series of 60-second challenges that use objects that are commonly available. A team consists of two members where each player has to clear the level to qualify for further rounds.
Entry fees: 150/-
Group Size: 2/ team
Date: 21/03/2019 Time: 01:00PM – 3:00PM (Round-1 & Round-2)
Date: 22/03/2019 Time: 11:00PM – 12:30PM (Shortlisted participants on day1)
Each level has to be completed within 60 seconds to win the game.
Contestants will be presented with level rules and description during the event.
Each level will have to be cleared by only one team member. Transfer\Pass on to team-mate will not be permitted
A player is permitted to attempt only two consecutive levels after which another player should attempt the next level.
Teams will be eliminated in batches in knockout form based on score. The qualified teams will be selected for further levels.
The final two teams qualified will be able to play the last round to win the prize money.
The contestants reaching final round will be given ‘three lives’ at the beginning of the game. If the time expires or the conditions of the games are not fulfilled, then the contestant loses a life.
For more information Contact :
Ms. Rithuparna M S : +91 8151007097
Ms. Ranjitha G : +91 8073579593